Here Be Gods

Author: duncanwilsonauthor (Page 1 of 8)

"Wherever you wander, for want or wonder, may your will never wain nor whimsy wither, may you walk the world without waiver, your path never astray by day, never afright at night."
I'm an avid author, pensive poet and annoying alliterator with two novels, six novellas, and a plethora of short stories and microfiction published on patreon, amazon, smashwords. I write primarily science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal stories.

If I Write Another Word

If I write another word, nothing changes. If I write no more words, nothing changes. The sun rises, the sun shines, the sun sets, another day, nothing changes. If I die tomorrow, the world turns, time tips over and once more drains away another day. Nothing changes, nothing matters, nothing means anything more than it did a moment ago, another memory of matter decaying into another memory of matter, endlessly ebbing into entropy. If I write no more words, no one will remember, no one will wonder, no one will consider what I could have forged or rended asunder. Another day drains away, another month another year, another lifetime spent in confusion and fear, my life no more a measure of meaning than any other. Nothing changes, nothing lost, nothing gained. But, if I write another word, then perhaps it can matter where none I’ve penned before could, perchance it can persuade like none else I’ve uttered would, possibly that could be the word that transcends the inane and absurd and changes something for the better. A word, one single, simple word could lead to a sentence, mayhap a sentiment so serene yet supreme that others take heed and are freed of despair and doubt for all of a day, and for that one day the delusory doldrums and dilemmas that dog our diurnal duties could be cast away and we could move mountains, nay, all mankind toward a more temperate, tolerant, safe, and sane society. Maybe, against all odds, we can pretend, or at least pretend to pretend, that the future can be fair, if only we’d venture there, and all it would take is but a word to wake the world, all it would need is knowing of the seed of such a notion, that all it could take to break the nature of nothing ever changing is but a beginning. But maybe it is but a dream. Maybe tomorrow the sun will summit, shine, and set, and that is all we get. Live, laugh, lose. But maybe, just maybe, I should write another word.

Great River of the Abyss – Available Now!

Travis is stranded on a distant planet, hundreds of light-years from the rest of mankind. Will he be able to find a way home before he runs out of resources? Will he ever see his father again? Most important of all, will he be able to determine what killed the other humans on this world and keep it from spreading to the rest of humanity? Find out in Great River of the Abyss!

Available now in ebook, paperback, or hardcover at your favorite online marketplaces:

Once Upon A Lane at Amazon

Once Upon A Lane at Smashwords

Once Upon A Lane at Barnes & Noble

Beyond the Reach of Mortal Man – Novella

Mankind has colonized hundreds of worlds and expanded beyond the wildest dreams of their ancient ancestors, but there are still wonders unseen and horizons unexplored. Howard and Xavier are proposing an ambitious scientific achievement, one considered impossible until now, piercing the event horizon of a black hole and discovering what transpires beyond. There are many barriers yet to surmount, not the least of which are incredulity and ignorance, but they are determined to push the boundaries of human knowledge and achievement, no matter the cost, no matter how much their dream seems to be beyond the reach of mortal man.

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Cover Reveal – A Random Tavern

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I am a super fan of Duncan Wilson. I’ve read almost all of his books and short stories, so when he agreed to let me share his new book cover I was so excited! This book is very different from the first book I read my Wilson, Once Upon a Lane but in a good way! This book is available for pre-order now and the cover design is mesmerizing!

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